[Nexus-developers] Support for 64 bit ints

Peterson, Peter F. petersonpf at ornl.gov
Wed Aug 15 20:12:24 BST 2007

We are actively developing code to create event based NeXus files
according to the approved definition
<http://www.nexusformat.org/NXevent_data>. A limitation that we have run
into is that NAPI only supports up to uint32. With our current scheme
for generating the pulse-time (nanosecond resolution) this allows for
event lists that take place over < 4 seconds.

A solution to this problem is to add support in NAPI for UINT64. I do
not know the feasibility in mxml, but I spoke with Elena Pourmal on the
topic for feasibility in HDF4/HDF5. HDF5 can, HDF4 can't. Is the dev
group willing to add the functionality to the API, and generate errors
if it is tried with XML/HDF4?


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