NeXus error bars: Suggestions for "treated" data

Tanya Maria Riseman tmr at
Mon Mar 26 19:58:29 BST 2001

 Suggestions for extending the NeXus data format for "treated" data. 
 from Tanya Riseman tmr at
 (... DKA300:[TANYA.TEX.DATAFORMATS]nexus2001_treated_suggest.txt  ...)

	I apologize for not spell checking; I lost my spell checker in a 
disk crash. 

	The current raw data format does not contain any information about 
 systematic and statistical errors assoicated with the experimental
 data. Designing how to handle treated data with errors will be a 
 fair amount of work. I expect a lot of discussion.
 This rather long email contains my suggestions for how it might be done, 
 and what different styles of storage might useful.
 There is a summary at the end.

   ***** Strong Opinion ******  ***** Strong Opinion ******
	 Raw data should be write-protected both as a matter of safety 
 and as evidence (not proof) that you have not fraudulently modified it.
 (It will also simply archiving.)
 Added experimental conditions, "treated" data and results should NOT 
 be put in the same file. With HDF 5 "mounted" file links will allow
 the raw data to appear as if it is in the NeXus file containing 
 treated data, which should reduce the desire/need to modify the raw data.
   ***** Strong Opinion ******  ***** Strong Opinion ******

	"Treated" data (or "manipulated" data, even parameters from fits to 
 treated data) have errors associated with it, which ideally should be tightly 
 bound to the "treated" data itself so that
	1. The errors appear automatically when you plot and
	  including error bars along y, x, and z axis, etc. simultaneously.
	2. They are immediately avaible for error propagation.
	3. They are automatically available for fits.
	4. You should have to go out of your way to strip the
	  errors from the treated data.
 The drawback of having a separate array called "errors" associated with
 the data is that it is easily forgotten and usually left out as an extra
 step when plotting initially (when exported to spreadsheet programs).

	I am not sure if having an item called "error" next to the data
 within NXdata is sufficently tighly bound. Alternatively, 
 we could interweave the data and the errors. 
 Perhaps both approaches are useful to have! Certainly when
 exporting to spreadsheet type programs, it is usually easier
 to have data and errors interwoven. For exporting to symbolically
 based programs like Octave, it is easier to have them in separate 
	Let me give you an example of tightly bound errors associated
 with data, using Jess Brewer's DB format (used by some muSR people)
 The following example is a file which stores 
	the time					[t]
	the treated asymmetry for detector 1 		[data]
	the fitted asymmetry  for detector 1 		[th]
	difference between the fit and the data		[diff]
	Another test of the accuracy the fit 		[test]

 spec01.db  SLO r1588_2   : 500nm YBCO (Kinder, 35.5      149.19981026  16:32:00
  Time (musec)
  a(t) Theory
  a(t) data
  Difference a(t)

   binfactor=           1
  group =            1

 data t th data diff test
  4.0000003E-02 ,,, \
    -0.1639927     ,,, \
    -0.1156916     ,   3.1063100E-02 ,, \
    -4.8301034E-02 ,,, \
      1.045283     ,,,
  6.0000006E-02 ,,, \
    -0.1761850     ,,, \
    -0.1668108     ,   3.0301264E-02 ,, \
    -9.3742078E-03 ,,, \
    -0.1680480     ,,,
  8.0000006E-02 ,,, \
    -0.1490452     ,,, \
    -0.1568016     ,   3.0621275E-02 ,, \
     7.7564027E-03 ,,, \
    -0.6223261     ,,,
   8.860001     ,,, \
     9.2142010E-03 ,,, \
     0.0000000E+00 ,   6.2336028E-02 ,, \
     9.2142010E-03 ,,, \
    -0.1273109     ,,,

(data ended by a single blank line, no need to say ahead of time low long it
 will be.)

	Note: this is essentially an "ntple" storage of treated data,
 where the column name "data" is associated with its plotting label 
 "a(t) data". The first instance of a(t=4.0000003E-02) is 
  "-0.1156916     ,   3.1063100E-02 ,,"  where "-0.1156916" is the value 
 and "3.1063100E-02" is the symmetric error. If there were asymmetric
 errors, it would be something like "-0.1156916, 3.106E-02, 2.1e-2,"
 with the error bar extending from -0.1156916 +3.106E-02 down to 
 -0.1156916 - 2.1e-2. This format allows no-errors, symmetric and
 and asymmetric errors to be mixed freely. 

	 Maybe we should call this kind of data storage "etple"
 short for error-enabled ntple, like ntples in OpenGenie. (I'm not sure 
 how ntples are actually handled in OpenGenie, since I haven't used the 
	Plotting "Plot t data" automatically produces y-axes error bars
 on the "data" variable. One can also plot "plot data th"
 with x-axis errors on "data".

	One can also generate new variables with rundamentary error 
propagation :
	generate diff = data - th
	label diff
 	 Difference a(t)

	When one extracts this data to a spreadsheet readable form, one
 gets only the errors actually used:
!! Comment: spec01.db  SLO r1588_2   
!! Comment: t    th         data        edata      diff           test
4.0000003E-02, -0.1639927, -0.1156916, 3.11E-02, -4.8301034E-02, 1.045283
6.0000006E-02, -0.1761850, -0.1668108, 3.03E-02, -9.3742078E-03,-0.1680480
8.0000006E-02, -0.1490452, -0.1568016, 3.06E-02, 7.7564027E-03, -0.6223261
8.860001,     9.2142010E-03, 0.00E+00, 6.23E-02, 9.2142010E-03, -0.1273109

	Note that the errors should be reported in a form that truncates the
 number of digits after the decimal place. This emphasises the fact that 
 they are only error estimates.


Suggestions for extending NeXus to include treatment of errors.

NXdata  data			An array of numbers
	Only store raw data in this catagory!
	Don't store error information directly for raw data?

	add attribute errors_type
*Needed*	errors_style="unknown"			
*Needed*	errors_style="not_recorded"			
Needed?		errors_style="derived"		For something too complicated to
						explain here.
*Needed*	errors_style="counting"		For Neutrons and muons
Limited use?	errors_style="fractional"		
		errors_value = 0.01		for 1 percent error
Limited use?	errors_style="constant"		same units as data.
		errors_value = 1023.4 		

Allow for raw?	errors_style="stored"		See error matrix

for example:
	data 				size NxM for 2-D array

        errors  			size 2xNxM for 2-D array
	  errors_type = "asymmetric"	Stores asymmetric errors.
		Symmetric errors have same value saved twice for + and - errors.
		Data with no error have zero in errors matrix. 
 or     errors  (same rank as data)	size NxM for 2-D array
 	  errors_type = "symmetric"	Only stores symmetric errors.
		Data with no error have zero in errors matrix. 

 or     errors  (zero rank) 		size 0  for 2-D array
 	  errors_type = "none"		(Errors matrix empty)

 Is raw data ALWAYS uncorrelated? It is for muSR and SANS.


	Might have two different ways to represent uncorrelated treated data: 
		or NXetple
 Designers should probably impliment both or chose one representation 
 of uncorrelated treated data for initial use.
 What shall we decide? I prefer NXetple for data reduction, especially
 in the advanced stages. But NXetple will probably be pretty wasteful
 compared to NXtreated for only slightly treated data.

	NXprogram	program_name
	NXmacro		Array of strings, containing macros to create the 
			results stored in NXtreated using the program 
			program_name. Basically, want to be able to reproduce 
			independently the results shown with only info stored 
			in the NeXus file.
	NXcomments	Less extensive information than macro
			if automatic storing of the macro is not possible.
			Any other info user wants to add.

	my_spectra 		size NxM for 2-D array for example
	  parent_data_link	Link to parent data, used to create my_spectra

        errors  			size 2xNxM for 2-D array
	  errors_type = "asymmetric"	Stores asymmetric errors.
		Symmetric errors have same value saved twice for + and - errors.
		Data with no error have zero in errors matrix. 
 or     errors  (same rank as data)	size NxM for 2-D array
 	  errors_type = "symmetric"	Only stores symmetric errors
					and any number with no error have zero. 

 or     errors  (zero rank) 		size 0  for 2-D array
 	  errors_type = "none"		(Errors matrix empty)

	Note: all the errors have to be stored the same way.

	NXprogram	program_name
	NXmacro		Array of strings, containing macros to create the 
			results stored in NXtreated using the program 
			program_name. Basically, want to be able to reproduce 
			independently the results shown with only info stored 
			in the NeXus file.
	NXcomments	Less extensive information than macro
			if automatic storing of the macro is not possible.
			Any other info user wants to add.

	  nrows=			Number of local rows (variable)
			(data can always be appended to in this direction)
	  ncolumns=			Number of columns (less easy to modify)
	  variable_name(ncolumns)	Arrays of short names
	  lables(ncolumns)=		Array of strings for axes lables
	  units(ncolumns)=		Units for each column
	  errors_type(ncolumns)=	"asymmetric", "symmetric", "none"
	  parent_data_link(nrows) 	Link to parent data, used to create row.
	  row_note(nrows) 		Optional short comment for each row
					(Run number, sample, time stamp perhaps)
	  mplots=			Number of plots to produce automatically
	  default_plot(mplots)=		which variables (columns) to plot
	  condition_plot(mplots)=	select only some row to plot.

	The "NXetple" data will be stored with its errors interwoven.

 NXget_etple(handle, pointer, thiscolumn or variable_name(thiscolumn), thisrow)
 will return 
  a scalar for "none" 	(just the value),
		Or vector of length 3 (value, 0.0, 0.0)
  a vector of length 2 for "symmetric" 	(just the value and symmetry error),
		Or vector of length 3 (value, error, error)
  a vector of length 3 for "asymmetric" (the value, positive and negative errors)
		i.e. (value, positive_error, negative_error)

 NXget_eptple_column(handle, pointer, thiscolumn or variable_name(thiscolumn))
 will return  up to three vectors of length ncolumns 
	value(ncolumns), positive_error(ncolumns), and negative_error(ncolumns)

 That is the symmetric and asymmetric errors (when present) are always
 assumed to be independent errors. 

Each row will contain ncolumns of variables with errors.
data var1,              var2,                   var3, ....
val1(1),e+1(1),e-1(1), val2(1),e+2(1),e-2(1), val3(1),e+3(1),e-3(1),...
val1(2),e+1(2),e-1(2), val2(2),e+2(2),e-2(2), val3(2),e+3(2),e-3(2),...
val1(n)		Or vector of length 3 (value, error, error)
  a vector of length 3 for "asymmetric" (the value, positive and negative errors)
		i.e. (value, positive_error, negative_error)

 NXget_eptple_column(handle, pointer, thiscolumn or variable_name(thiscolumn))
 will return  up to three vectors of length ncolumns 
	value(ncolumns), positive_error(ncolumns), and negative_error(ncolumns)

 That is the symmetric and asymmetric errors (when present) are always
 assumed to be independent errors. 

Each row will contain ncolumns of variables with errors.
data var1,              var2,                   var3, ....
val1(1),e+1(1),e-1(1), val2(1),e+2(1),e-2(1), val3(1),e+3(1),e-3(1),...
val1(2),e+1(2),e-1(2), val2(2),e+2(2),e-2(2), val3(2),e+3(2),e-3(2),...
val1(n),e+1(n),e-1(n), val2(n),e+2(2),e-2(2), val3(n),e+3(n),e-3(n),...

	For treated data containing information like fit parameters,
 it VERY USEFUL to be able to easily
 1. add extra columns of information by hand
 2. add extra columns of information such as selectively 
    adding experimental conditions (from the NXsample, NXinstrument, 
 3. Append rows 
 4. Delete columns or rows.
 5. Mask/comment out columns or rows (like in Kaledeagraph).

	For the slighted treated data in the example, editing is less useful.

	Internally, the columns of data could be rearranged to bunch 
 together all the columns with no errors, with symmetric errors, and
 with asymmetric errors, respectively; to save space.

	Try NOT to require that any given column has consistently
 the same sorts of errors. For example, from minuit,
 one can optionally get asymmetric errors but it is much slower
 and will return symmetric errors if there is a failure.
 If one is fitting interactively, one might store symmetric
 errors for one run and asymmetric errors for another. Therefore, allow 
 automatic upgrading of columns from "none" to "symmetric" to "asymmetric"

 --------------- Automatically plotting ----------------------------
	Now the mechanism for plotting data automatically
 that is used for NXdata won't work easily for ntples.
 Conceptually it is easier to refer to the variables by their
 variable name, rather than by integer position in the array.
 Also, it would be nice to have the option to apply a
 condition on which data points are plotted.
 NXplot_etple?() could optionally return either all the rows for the variables 
 requested, or it could return only those that satisfy the condition.

 Better way
 default_plot(1)= "plot  variable_name(i) variable_name(j)"   
			for x-y plot
 default_plot(2)= "plot+ variable_name(l) variable_name(k)"  
			superimpose on previous x-y plot
 default_plot(3)= "plot variable_name(i) variable_name(j) variable_name(k)" 
			for 2-D z(x,y) x-y-z plot in new window

	For example
  default_plot(1)= "plot t data"
  condition_plot(1)= "t<3.0"
  default_plot(2)= "plot+ t th"
  condition_plot(2)= "t<3.0"
  default_plot(3)= "plot t diff"
  condition_plot(3)= null 
  default_plot(4)= "plot t test"
  condition_plot(4)= "(t>3)&(abs(diff) < 0.01)"

NXCorrelated data	
	For the real analysis warrior!
limited use?	(usually because too hard to keep track of in normal programs)

	Correlated treated data is most useful with obviously correlated 
 raw data or with inverse solutions to uncorrelated raw data.
 It is also probably useful for treated data that has been "deconvoluted".
	In this case, the size of the array is fixed (N) and
 there is a covariance matrix (NxN) because the 
 errors are too correlated to use just the diagonal elements.
 You can't just add things to the end, like in an NXetple.
 I am using 1-D data for my example, but it should be generalized
 to at least 3-D.
data (N)			size N for 1-D array
  axis =1 
  primary =1
errors  			size N^2 for 1-D array
  errors_type= "correlated"	(Covariance matrix)
  accuracy= 1.2e-9???	How accurately errors made,
				might be much worse than values in data array.

Possible variations on NXCorrelated :

--- Variation 1 ----------------------------------

     parent_data_link		Link to parent data, used to create my_lineshape
    axis =1 
    primary =1
  errors  			size N^2 for 1-D array
    errors_type= "correlated"		(use full covariance matrix)

--- Variation 2 ----------------------------------
    parent_data_link		Link to parent data, used to create my_lineshape
    axis =1 
    primary =1
  errors  			roughly (N*sqrt(2)) X (num_off_diagonal) 
    errors_type= "n_off_diagonal"
    num_off_diagonal= 5 	
		Use only the diagonal and the first n=5 off diagonal rows
		of the covariance matrix and zero fill the rest.
		num_off_diagonal= 0 defaults to the case of using
		only the diagonal elements as if they are independent errors.

--- Variation 3 ----------------------------------
	For the real analysis warrior:
    parent_data_link		Link to parent data, used to create my_lineshape
    axis =1 
    primary =1

  errors_hessian_row  			size N*sqrt(2)
    errors_type= "hessian_row"
	Maximum in first element then decays towards zero,
  	perhaps with oscillations. 
    num_off_diagonal= 5 	
		Use only the first element and the next n=5 elements 
		of the hessian_row and zero fill the rest.
		If not present, fill the whole hessian.

  errors_hessian_diagonal		size N*sqrt(2)
    errors_type= "hessian_diagonal"
	Create the hessian by taking copying errors_hessian_row
 in every row of hessian matrix (NxN), shifting it so that the 
 maximum is centered on the diagonal, and mirrored symmetrically
 about the diagonal. Optionally zero-fill the off-diagonal rows
 beyond num_off_diagonal. Then add the values of errors_hessian_diagonal
 to the diagonal. Then invert the matrix to make the covariance matrix.
 Maybe there are clever, fast routines to invert matrices of
 this shape.
	This is useful for the case of using Maximum Entropy for
 inverse problems. For example, with muSR, one has time domain data a(t) 
 and uses Maximum Entropy (instead of ordinary Fourier transform) to 
 find the distribution of local fields P(b). The hessian_row term comes
 from requiring the reduced chi^2 = 1 (in the time domain) and the 
 hessian_diagonal term comes from the entropy, which is a function of P(b).
 I suspect that covariance matrices from any generalized Maximum Entropy
 technique or one that uses some smoothness criterion instead could be
 separated into two vectors (each corresponding term being best described in 
 either the "forward" or "inverse" domains) which are used to construct 
 the hessian. It might also be useful for conserving disk space for the 
 error matrices associated with image-reconstruction of samples using 
 the phase information of neutron or x-rays. Whereas this representation saves
 disk space, it is slow to invert the matrix. 

	The two vectors making up the hessian are more "meaningful" in 
 monitoring the quality of the results than is the resulting covariance matrix.
 For simplicity, one could just store them separately from the 
 pre-constructed covariance matrix.

	For the real analysis warrior:

	 Treated data and its errors probably need an optional accuracy 
 attribute, since accumulated rounding errors plus the machine accuracy
 of the analysis program will probably give an accuracy smaller 
 smaller than that implied by the data type (single or double precision).
 Since the covariance matrix is typically created by inverting
 a hessian, one would expect the accuracy of the errors to be
 worse than the data itself, and highly dependent on the inverse algorthm used.
 Fitting packages such as Minuit in the Cern library can provide a reasonable
 estimate of the accuracy of its results.

  accuracy= 1.2e-9???	


	There should be links/ and/or mounted files from NXtreated and
NXetple to the parent data used to create the treated data. 
Links would be for parent data within the same NeXus file,
mounts to parent data in a separate NeXus file.
This will allow one follow up the analysis "tree" and see all the steps
used to distill the data. The final results will be the "trunk"
and will be of type NXTreated, NXcorrelated or NXetple.
Raw data will be in principle the top-most leaf nodes,
although in practice people may not bother to use or maintain the links.

	Of course, different people might analyse the same set of
 data, or a data set might be analyzed again for a different purpose,
 so there will be multiple analysis trees, with some or all
 NXdata leafs in common. This is why I don't like treated data being stored in
 the same file as the raw data. Doing so encourages turf wars.

	 Raw data should be write-protected both as a matter of safety 
 and as evidence that you have not fraudulently modified it.

	 Always one ending point "leaf" in the tree. Will never have a parent.

	  parent_data_link	Link to parent data, used to create my_spectra

	  parent_data_link(nrows) 	Link to parent data, used to create row.

	  parent_data_link	Link to parent data, used to create my_lineshape

	Example of 
1. parent links 
2. shared parameters in NXetple
3. diffuse plotting of NXetple 

	Let's suppose a NeXus file contains NXtreated data for 
 a series of runs corresponding to a temperature scan.
 For each temperature, there is 

   NXEntry n=3 (say temperature = 20K)
	 NXSample (actually stored in a separate file, via mount)
		raw_data (actually stored in a separate file, via mount)

		my_spectra_dectector1  		time, data, theory
		my_spectra_dectector2  		time, data, theory
		parent_data_link = raw_data

	 NXCorrelated 	my_lineshape		field, probability
		parent_data_link = raw_data

	 NXetple my_fit_results
	   variable_names= (run, temp, det, asy, b, rlx, ph)
	   (pretend that the following are numbers, except for the links)
	   run, temperature, dectector1, \
		asymmetry1, avfield, relaxationrate, phase1, \
		parent_data_link = my_spectra_detector1
	   run, temperature, dectector2, \
		asymmetry2, link=avfield, link=relaxationrate, phase2, \
		parent_data_link = my_spectra_detector2
	   Where "run" and "temperature" are copies of the values
 stored under other parts of NXEntry such as NXSample.temperature.

	 Note that the fitting program assume the same value of
 avfield and relaxationrate for all detectors, so there are a links
 for all but the first detector.

	Now, I would like to plot the NXetple items 
temperature and relaxationrate for all temperatures (one etple per NXentry).
Therefore, we either need 
1. to extract all the NXetple information which has the same name 
  "my_fit_results" and has the same dimensions (a consistency check),
   but not necessarily the same variable names, into a separate NeXus file.
	[This is probably prefered, because one might want to 
	delete the intermediary results due to the size and
	because the NeXus defintion so far is a very flat implementation.
	We can maintain an effectively deeper heirachical structure 
	artifically by using file mounts in HDF 5 while keeping
	the NeXus file format flat.]

2. Have the analysis program append all related NXetple results to 
   a separate NeXus file. 

3. Make the NeXus data format have a deeper structure.
   So we need to define above the level of NXentry
   a lay to plot diffuse data
	  mplots=1			Number of plots to produce automatically
	  default_plot(mplots)="plot temp rlx"
	  condition_plot(mplots)="det=1"  Only detector # 1.

	This will encourage a very deep heirachical structure.
	It is probably inefficient for accessing and difficult to 
	keep track of for both the programmer and the user when browsing a file.

	For "documentation" purposes, it is a good idea to keep a copy
 of the NXetple information in the same NXentry as
 the treated data (NXtreated or NXcorrelated) it is derived from 
 as well as appending it to a summary NeXus file containing only NXetples.
 (Combo of options 1 and 2.)
	It might be a good idea to import/export NeXus files
 containing only NXetples items into XML or some other ascii
 format (maybe one optimized for NeXus NXetple files)
 to that people have the option of using their favorite
 ascii-based editor. I think that there will be less interest
 in extensive hand-editing of NXtreated or NXcorrelated.



NXdata		(Only store raw data in this catagory!)

or	  errors_style="not_recorded"			
or	  errors_style="derived"		For something too complicated to
						explain here.
or	  errors_style="counting"		For Neutrons and muons
or? 	  errors_style="fractional"		
	    errors_value = 0.01		for 1 percent error
or?	  errors_style="constant"		same units as data.
	    errors_value = 1023.4 		
or?	  errors_style="stored"		See error matrix

        errors 		(only for errors_style="stored") Appropriate for raw?
	  errors_type = "asymmetric"
or 	  errors_type = "symmetric"
or 	  errors_type = "none"

NXTreated 		(Best for manipulated data, not for final reduction)
	NXprogram	program_name that generated results

	  parent_data_link	Link to parent data, used to create my_spectra

        errors 		(only for errors_style="stored")
	  errors_type = "asymmetric"
or 	  errors_type = "symmetric"
or 	  errors_type = "none"

NXcorrelated		Could possibly be folded in with NXtreated,
------------		except tor?	  errors_style="stored"		See error matrix

        errors 		(only for errors_style="stored") Appropriate for raw?
	  errors_type = "asymmetric"
or 	  errors_type = "symmetric"
or 	  errors_type = "none"

NXTreated 		(Best for manipulated data, not for final reduction)
	NXprogram	program_name that generated results

	  parent_data_link	Link to parent data, used to create my_spectra

        errors 		(only for errors_style="stored")
	  errors_type = "asymmetric"
or 	  errors_type = "symmetric"
or 	  errors_type = "none"

NXcorrelated		Could possibly be folded in with NXtreated,
------------		except that you may not truncate or append to the set.

	NXprogram	program_name that generated results

	  parent_data_link	Link to parent data, used to create my_lineshape

	  accuracy= 1.2e-9???	        How accurately errors made
  	  errors_type= "correlated"	Covariance matrix

or	errors
	  errors_type= "n_off_diagonal" Strip along the diagonal of cov. matrix
					(Could be folded in with "correlated".)
	    num_off_diagonal= 5 	

or	errors_hessian_row		May be left out initially.
	  errors_type= "hessian_row"
	    num_off_diagonal= 5 	
	    errors_type= "hessian_diagonal"
NXetple 		(Best for data reduction)
	NXprogram	program_name that generated results

	  nrows=			Number of local rows (variable)
	  ncolumns=			Number of columns (less easy to modify)
	  variable_name(ncolumns)	Arrays of short names
	  lables(ncolumns)=		Array of strings for axes lables
	  units(ncolumns)=		Units for each column
	  errors_type(ncolumns)=	"asymmetric", "symmetric", "none"
	  parent_data_link(nrows) 	Link to parent data, used to create row.
	  row_note(nrows) 		Optional short comment for each row
	  mplots=			Number of plots to produce automatically
	  default_plot(mplots)=		which variables (columns) to plot
	  condition_plot(mplots)=	select only some row to plot.

	etple(ncolumns, nrows) or etple(nrows, ncolumns) of 3-vectors 
		(value, positive_error, negative_error)
	The "NXetple" data will be stored with its errors interwoven.

  Dr. Tanya Riseman
  School of Physics and Astronomy	phone 44-121-414-7322
  University of Birmingham		fax   44-121-414-4719
  Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom	email: tmr at

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