[Nexus] WARNING: multi-dimensional character arrays are not really supported?

tieman tieman at aps.anl.gov
Tue Dec 12 16:32:45 GMT 2006

Well, now that I've got most of my stuff built to use Nexus 3.0.0, I've 
started validating that all works as before...and of course it doesn't :(

In particular, I now get a "WARNING: multi-dimensional character arrays 
are not really supported" when trying to read 2 dimensional character 
data.  I do this routinely to store a list of file names relevant to the 
data set.  For example, I may have a list of file names for the bright 
fields taken with the CCD for an experiment.  And another list with the 
names of the raw files.  The lists were all saved with Napi1.3.2 and 
previous as a 2D char arrays.

I can not read these files with Nexus3.0.0.  Is this due to issues with 
HDF5 and/or XML?  I haven't started hacking into the napi code too much 
other than to find the location of the error (NXgetinfo) and compare it 
to napi1.3.2 to see what's changed. 

I literally have thousands of data sets already collected that have this 
issue if I make the switch to Nexus3.0.0--I need a solution even if it 
means hacking into the Napi code myself...any suggestions?


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