[Nexus] Nexus with python on windows

Jon Wright wright at esrf.fr
Thu Jul 26 17:26:48 BST 2007

Dear NeXus'ers,

I've just downloaded the nexus api which is pre-built for windows from:


These look useful, but I'm wondering where to find the python bindings. 
Is there a pre-compiled set around somewhere? Is it easier if I just use 
PyTables for direct hdf access?

I did attempt to create a setup.py file for the ones in bindings/swig 
and build things myself but have gotten stuck. There are a lot of linker 
errors coming from missing export libraries for the hdf dll's with mingw 
(see below). Naturally, I have not been able to find the hdf ".a" 
libraries for mingw.

Whichever set of NeXus to python bindings, it seems neither supports the 
Numeric or numpy packages for handling large arrays of binary data. Am I 
missing something?

Thanks for your help,


C:\Program Files\NeXus Data Format\bindings\swig>C:\mingw\bin\gcc.exe 
libNeXus.a -mno-cygwin -shared -s build\temp.win32
build\temp.win32-2.4\Release\_nxpython.def -L.
  -LC:\Python24\libs -LC:\Python24\PCBuild -lNeXus -lpython24 -lmsvcr71 
-o build\lib.win32-2.4\_nxpython.pyd libNeXus.a

Cannot export init_nxpython: symbol not defined
./libNeXus.a(napi.o): In function 
undefined referenc
e to `H5Fis_hdf5'
:C:/msys/1.0/home/faa59/nexus-4.0.0/src/napi.c:218: undefined reference 
to `Hishdf'
./libNeXus.a(nxxml.o): In function 
undefined referenc
e to `mxmlFindElement'
:C:/msys/1.0/home/faa59/nexus-4.0.0/src/nxxml.c:79: undefined reference 
to `mxmlFindElement'
./libNeXus.a(nxxml.o): In function 
`NXXopen':C:/msys/1.0/home/faa59/nexus-4.0.0/src/nxxml.c:115: undefined 
reference to

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