[NeXus-committee] NIAC meeting Grenoble 1-3 Feb 2006

Ron Ghosh ron at ill.fr
Wed May 18 12:46:47 BST 2005

     Proposal for NIAC meeting Grenoble, 1-3 Feb. 2006

I have examined possibilities of holding the next meeting
here, and have discussed it with Andy Goetz (ESRF).  The
meeting could start on the Wednesday morning.

We propose a meeting 1-3 February 2006, with accommodation at
the site guest-house (approx 28 Euros per night bed+breakfast) 
and a contribution towards meals of about 130 Euros per person
(3 lunches, 2 dinners, coffee etc.)

Andy would like to attract external synchrotron observers from
SOLEIL, Trieste, APS, etc., and I think it would be useful to
offer a "public" presentation on one afternoon to the ESRF
and the ILL.

My initial estimates were for approximately 20 in total.

Please let me have feedback, suggestions and criticisms so
that I can plan blocking accommodation (or not) etc.

Best regards, Ron  

Ron Ghosh, Institut Laue Langevin
6 rue Jules Horowitz,                  telephone: +33-476207178
B.P. 156  cedex 9,                     secretary: +33-476207226
Grenoble, 38042 FRANCE                       fax: +33-476483906

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