[NeXus-committee] "Overview of X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy standards" paper

Paul Millar paul.millar at desy.de
Thu Mar 27 09:09:10 GMT 2025

Hi everyone,

This is perhaps a little off-topic, but I think there's enough overlap 
that people might find this interesting.

Brief background:

The EU is funding the European Open-Science Cloud (EOSC) through various 
grants.  One grant is funding a project called OSCARS[1].  Roughly 60% 
of the OSCARS budget is being spent providing a kind of seed funding 
(called "cascading grants"), that funds small projects (~1 FTE for 1--2 
years)[2].  Some 59 projects[3] are being funded (so far).  One of the 
science clusters is "PaNOSC" (photon and neutron facilities), and one of 
the successful PaNOSC projects (funded through a OSCARS cascading grant) 
is called CDIF-4-XAS[4].

 From the project page, the CDIF-4-XAS project[4]:

 > [The project] will enable new science by making it easier to access, 
combine and reuse XAS data across research infrastructures (RIs) and 

The project has recently published a landscape report on XAS 
metadata[5].  Naturally, this mentions NeXus.


[1] https://oscars-project.eu/
[2] https://oscars-project.eu/open-calls
[3] https://oscars-project.eu/projects
[5] https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14920226

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