Version numbers

Ray Osborn ROsborn at
Tue Apr 14 17:56:07 BST 1998

You have presumably received the recent NeXus mailing list correspondance
concerning NAPI version numbers.  I now realize that the CVS revision number
is specific to each file and so has nothing to do with the overall version
number.  We need to establish a version number policy fairly quickly
answering the following questions:

When do we increment the version number and at which level? (which new
features have been added? bugs fixed?) 

Who decides when it is worth releasing a new version?

Who documents what changes have been made since the previous version?

Who tests a version before it's released to make sure that no egregious bugs
have been introduced?

Any suggestions?  I'm sure we can share the load, but how?

Dr Ray Osborn                Tel: +1 (630) 252-9011
Materials Science Division   Fax: +1 (630) 252-7777
Argonne National Laboratory  E-mail: ROsborn at
Argonne, IL 60439-4845

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