HDF tag query

Freddie Akeroyd faa at isise.rl.ac.uk
Wed Sep 1 10:56:40 BST 1999

Mark, thanks for testing that ... i didn't have a copy of the "Fortner
browser" around, so i hadn't got round to doing it myself. Could you also
please check that "DFTAG_NDG" is OK as, according to the HDF docs and
example programs, this is what we should now be using (incidentally,
anybody know why this tag changed?)    

The proposal is then:

* Change all DFTAG_SDS and DFTAG_SDG references to DFTAG_NDG in functions
  that write to a nexus file 
* Leave all DFTAG_SDS and DFTAG_SDG references in functions that read
  from a NeXus file (for backward compatability)
* Update NeXus_version to "1.1.1" (and release)

Are there any further changes that anybody would like to add before
the next release?



On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Mark Koennecke wrote:

>   Freddie,
>   you were right. I tested it and changed NXgetdataID to set the tag to
>   DFTAG_SDG. Then the linked SDS's showed up nicely in the Fortner browser
>   which they did not do before. It never occurred to me that DFTAG_SDS
>   means scientfic data scale and scientific data set. Abbreviations! 
>   In short I suggest to change that in the general distribution.
>                   Mark Koennecke 

Freddie Akeroyd                        Email:  Freddie.Akeroyd at rl.ac.uk
ISIS Facility                          Tel:    +44 1235 445457
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory         Fax:    +44 1235 445720
Chilton, DIDCOT, OX11 OQX, GB          WWW:    http://www.isis.rl.ac.uk/

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