[Nexus] NeXus XML Meta-DTD format

Jens Krüger Jens.Krueger at frm2.tum.de
Mon Oct 24 08:59:30 BST 2005

Reading the "NeXus Technical Reference Manual" chapter 2.1.(9)
I found a some informations about the occurrence of some entries.
My question, how the following part is to interprete?

    <temperature>{Temperature of the sample}?</temperature>

I understand as followed:

The NXsample section may occur one time or not. If the NXsample
section exist, the temperature section must exist, but it may be empty.

Or should it be interpreted as 

    <temperature>?{Temperature of the sample}</temperature>

in the NXsample section may exist a subsection temperature?




Jens Krüger

Technische Universität München
Lichtenberg-Str. 1
D-85747 Garching

Tel: + 49 89 289 14 716
Fax: + 49 89 289 14 666
mailto:jens.krueger at frm2.tum.de

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