[Nexus] making link under different name in Python

Andras WACHA wacha.andras at ttk.mta.hu
Fri Nov 1 11:07:47 GMT 2013

Dear NeXus devs and users,

I am currently implementing NeXus as a data storage system for our new
laboratory SAXS instrument. The control software is written in Python, and
I would like to use the NeXusTree API for saving HDF-5 files.

We have one main 2D detector, which is saved to
NXentry/NXinstrument/detector:NXdetector. However, for scan measurements
we use several "virtual" detectors, which are defined as operations on the
images of the main detector, e.g. sum, maximum, barycenter etc. I would
like to implement these as auxiliary detectors, e.g. in
NXentry/NXinstrument/max:NXdetector etc. However, to comply with the base
class specifications -- and to have the same structure of all these
virtual detectors -- I would prefer to use the 'data' field in each group
to hold the NP data points, and create links into NXentry/NXdata for each
dataset. However, here I would like to use the name of the virtual
detector (e.g. max, sum, total etc.), which I found I cannot do either
with nxs.NXdata.makelink() or using nxs.NXdata.max=nxs.NXlink(target=...)
-like constructs.

How should one proceed in such cases? Or should I do things otherwise?

Best regards,

Andras Wacha


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