[Nexus] XAS with multiple absorbed_beam detectors

Smith, William william.smith at helmholtz-berlin.de
Wed Mar 13 12:05:51 GMT 2024

Dear NeXus community,

I would like to know how other people are approaching the following 

In an XAS measurement there are a minimum of two detectors. In the 
application definition these are named "incoming_beam" and "absorbed_beam".

In practice is it not uncommon to have many detectors measuring the 
absorbed beam. For example TEY (Total Electron Yield), TFY (Total 
Florescence Yield), and then N PFY (partial florescence yield) signals.

In the XAS application definition (and other similar app defs) there is 
only a single absorbed_beam entry under NXinstrument. 

Under the entry for DATA:NXdata is a field "mode" specifying which mode 
of detection is being used (TEY, TFY, PFY, Transmission etc)

I could make multiple NXentry in one file, which were each almost 
identical except with different entries for the NXdata which would 
connect to TFY or PFY or TEY signal etc,


I could us NXsubentry to do the same


I could use multiple NXdetector groups named something like 
absorbed_beam_TEY, absorbed_beam_TFY (this is my preference but doesn't 
comply with the application definition)

Thanks in advance for your help,


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