[NeXus-committee] Questionaire
stephen.cottrell at stfc.ac.uk
stephen.cottrell at stfc.ac.uk
Wed Sep 19 18:06:17 BST 2012
Questionaire from Steve Cottrell (ISIS)
* Facility name
Muons (representing the Muon community at ISIS, RIKEN-RAL, PSI, TRIUMF and J-PARC)
* Number of files/beamlines/instruments producing NeXus files
Three beamlines produce NeXus files at ISIS (and have done since ~2001). RIKEN-RAL produce NeXus files. None of the other facilities write NeXus files, although PSI are working on file conversion to NeXus.
* Number of files/beamlines/instruments producing NeXus files in 2 years time
Unlikely to change, although there is likely to be further work at PSI and ISIS to use the agreed Instrument Definition to establish a 'common exchange format' (work supported by EU grant). PSI are likely to use file converters to generate these files from an 'in-house' RAW file format, while the exchange definition will form a subset of the present ISIS Instrument Definition.
* Barriers found for increasing NeXus use
Very strong preference for using an 'in-house' RAW format - keep local control of software, avoid external dependencies (NAPI/HDF) and enforced change in the future.
Need for a common file format (for muons) not seen as essential and issue of portability considered best addressed using file converters and a 'common exchange format'.
Features offered by NeXus perhaps not seen as essential (e.g. comprehensive metadata, common Application Definitions, etc) so why spend the time understanding/moving to NeXus?
* Priorities for the NeXus community should be
A stronger link between facilities (stakeholders?) and NIAC (perhaps through subscription) may be helpful for increasing uptake of NeXus.
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