Most Recent Version of NeXus

Ray Osborn ROsborn at
Tue Jan 20 16:28:17 GMT 1998

>Hello and best wishes for the new year! I am about to set up the
>central repository for the NeXus API code and wondered whether the
>version at was the most recent
>Freddie Akeroyd                        Email:  faa at
>ISIS Facility                          Tel:    +44 1235 445457   
>Rutherford Appleton Laboratory         Fax:    +44 1235 445720   
>Chilton,   DIDCOT,   OX11 OQX          WWW:

You tell me.  It hasn't been updated since, probably, September, which is
one of the reasons I raised the issue at NOBUGS.  I know that we discussed
the system you were going to set up to ensure proper version control, but I
wasn't familiar with it.  Perhaps someone could remind us what that system
was going to be and describe how it is going to work.  We also discussed
setting up a bug testing procedure (which I think Nick was looking into). 
Again, if there is any progress, please let us know.

The only principle that I do want to maintain is that the "official"
released version is the one pointed to by the web pages over here (and
perhaps mirrored at PSI).  Since I am one step-removed from the code
development process, I would like to act as gatekeeper to make sure that we
don't release things that are not properly tested.  You are welcome to keep
a separate repository for development purposes.

Best regards,

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