a nexus example program

Jon Tischler TischlerJZ at ornl.gov
Wed Jan 21 17:52:42 GMT 1998


I am send this attached c code (an example program) which uses the nexus
api out to the three of you (Przemek, Mark, and Ray) for a test and
inspection, and as an example of what some data sets can look like.   There
seem to be many people who are interested in NeXus, but need an example of
how to make a compliant file.

So the main question is, does this program write "NeXus compliant" files.

If it does, can we post it so that people can use it as an example.


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Jon Tischler, Oak Ridge National Lab        Solid State Division
Bldg. 438D Sector 33                 o      TischlerJZ at ornl.gov
Argonne National Lab               oooo     TEL: (630) 252-0861
9700 S. Cass Ave.                 ooooo     FAX: (630) 252-0862
Argonne, IL  60439-4863            oooo
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