Software demonstrations

Ray Osborn ROsborn at
Tue Sep 5 02:59:22 BST 2000

As I think I mentioned in an earlier posting, I am keen to find out about
the software applications that have been developed in the last year or so,
partly so that we can decide what should be part of the standard NeXus API
distribution.  We will have access to Linux, Windows and Macs during the
workshop and can create user accounts for all participants who request it.
If you have something to demo, and feel that it will be essential to install
the software before you come, please let me know so that we can set you up
in advance (I guess this only applies to the Linux software; Windows
software can be brought on a floppy or zip disk).  We don't want to send too
many passwords by e-mail, so if you think it will be simple enough to ftp
the files and install them once you are over here, that might be better.

If you want to know what is already installed on our Linux cluster here,
please contact Rick Goyette <RJGoyette at>.  For example, I think they
are running Java 2 already, which disables the JHV viewer from HDF, amongst
other things.  We have the standard gcc compilers and Absoft Pro Fortran 90
if you need them.  NAPI and HDF 4.1r3 are already installed.

Best regards,
Dr Ray Osborn                Tel: +1 (630) 252-9011
Materials Science Division   Fax: +1 (630) 252-7777
Argonne National Laboratory  E-mail: ROsborn at
Argonne, IL 60439-4845

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