[NeXus-committee] NeXus paper v11

Pete Jemian jemian at anl.gov
Tue Sep 9 16:40:05 BST 2014


We've added and edited quite a bit.  Still, I propose yet another 
structural change.  We have sections for base classes and application 
definitions but no section for contributed definitions.  Seems we have 
much of the wording in the 3rd paragraph of section VI. Application 

I suggest that we add a section head just before that 3rd paragraph and 
add enough words that describe contributed definitions as coming from 
the community for consideration as either a base class or application 


Pete R. Jemian, Ph.D.                <jemian at anl.gov>
Beam line Controls and Data Acquisition, Group Leader
Advanced Photon Source,   Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL  60439                   630 - 252 - 3189
    Education is the one thing for which people
       are willing to pay yet not receive.

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