[Nexus] Basic questions about application definitions

Andrew GOETZ andy.gotz at esrf.fr
Thu Feb 12 16:39:16 GMT 2015


at the ESRF we were looking at the application definitions and saw by 
chance that the fluorescence one:


has a typo in it which makes it unusable as it is :

*data*: /NXdata/ 

    *energy* –> /entry/instrument/fluorecence/energy

    *data* –> /entry/instrument/fluorecence/data

This begs the question : how many sites are using the Application 
definitions and how do you get around the bugs?

A second question we had is that the way the application definitions are 
defined today implies they duplicate data in the file instead of linking 
to it. This is because they insist on creating NXsubentry. Please 
correct me if we have misunderstood the use of NXsubentry.

Our second question is : does this bother anyone else than us?

Kind regards

Andy + Christophe

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