[Nexus] NXxas and NXMonitor

Smith, William william.smith at helmholtz-berlin.de
Tue Jun 21 15:53:30 BST 2022

Dear Nexus Mailing List,

I am trying to map my data into the NXxas application definition. https://manual.nexusformat.org/classes/applications/NXxas.html#nxxas

The two DATA links make sense. The “energy” is the energies from my monochromator. The “absorbed” is the values from the detector which measures the absorbed beam. I am confused what the MONITOR group is for and why the parameters “mode” and “preset” are required and not optional.

In my beamline I am measuring the I0 and absorbed beam both with two current measuring devices (specifically Keithleys). They have an integration time. Should I make “mode” : “timer” and “preset” be the integration time?

Does anybody have any examples I can look at?

Many thanks,



Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH

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