[Nexus] Update on NAPI Cmake build

Eugen Wintersberger eugen.wintersberger at desy.de
Sat Aug 15 12:45:32 BST 2015

Hi folks,
 the C++ interface is building (I think I forgot to install the header
files but will fix this in the next commit ;)).
NXbrowse and NXdir are building too.

NXconvert would build too but there is something strange with this.
NXconvert builds a shared and a static library with some 'common'
functionality. However, the libraries are never exported so I would
suggest to compile the sources statically rather than ship a library
(which  is not needed at all).
Is there any other program which depends on the functionality of the
NXconvert libraries?

Concerning tests. NAPI does not have a reasonable test set. However, I
am definitely not willing to learn so much about NAPI (which I most
probably will never use in my applications) to write reasonable test.
I would thus suggest that those of you who wrote the API contribute the
tests. This would make maintenance much easier to do.

best regards

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